Verily, Allah and His Angels send blessings on the Prophet: O you who believe! Send blessings on him, and salute him with a worthy salutation." (Qur’an 33:56) THE GRAND MAWLID 2017Alhamdulillah, we are expecting over 1000 people to join us for the Grand Mawlid! To make this night as smooth as possible, it's VERY important to read the announcements below and follow them carefully.
PARKING: Parking is limited, given the number of people attending. WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE CARPOOLING! Let us repeat: WE STRONGLY ENCOURAGE CARPOOLING!! In order to accommodate all of our guests, we have had to expand parking access to nearby areas (a few hundred feet walk) and regulate the flow of guests parking at The Mecca Center itself. As such, no car will be permitted in The Mecca Center parking lot unless there are at least 4 people in the car; other guests will be directed to the nearby offsite parking areas. We do apologize about this restriction; it is only meant to facilitate as many guests as possible. We strongly suggest you arrive early and factor 15 minutes for parking at least. We strongly encourage arranging with friends before hand, meeting each other and riding together. There are three places where you can park: 1) The Mecca Center (235 parking spot)- accessible both directions on 91st street (carpool only) 2) Middle School (60 parking spots)- accessible both directions on 91st street 3) Church (110 parking spots)- accessible heading south on Kingery. After parking, follow the walking path in red to reach The Mecca Center. You are NOT allowed to park at Walgreens. Do NOT double park, as doing so may result in a ticket. BABYSITTING:
There will be a full babysitting team down in the spacious banquet hall for kids (Ages 3-10). There will be face painting, balloons, air hockey, basketball, and toys. There are only 50 spots for babysitting. Click below to register: There will also be rooms where mothers can sit with their infants upstairs.
FOOD: Although it is our custom to provide food for all our attendees at The Grand Mawlid, unfortunately due to the amount of attendees and logistical space issues we are not able to do that this year. Dessert will be provided after the event. There is absolutely NO food or drink permitted in the gym under any circumstances. Please respect the Mecca Center and its rules. MAWLID PACKET: Download and print the PDF of The Shimmering Light and bring your own copy to the Mawlid on Saturday so you can follow along! Click below for the packet. |
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How much should I donate?
We will gain much blessing from your good intentions so any amount is encouraged. Monthly donations are most helpful because they allow us to put on the monthly gatherings on a consistent basis. Why should I donate? The Chicago Mawlid Committee is an organization dedicated to providing a platform for praising the Blessed Messenger ﷺ, and to experience religious and cultural expression of love for the Prophet ﷺ in the city of Chicago. A traditional way Muslims have done this in the past is by gathering together and reciting praise, poetry, and songs that demonstrate their love for the Prophet ﷺ. Our gatherings pierce the heart, water the seed of love, and capture some of the spiritual aspects of this religion that is sometimes lost in the speed of this modern-day world. Are donations tax deductible? Yes, the CMC is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, all donations are tax-deductible. |